The Father Says Today: December 31st, 2016

The Father says today get ready for a great shift in your circumstances. The heavy equipment of heaven is coming in and the landscape of your life is being re-sculpted for greater benefit and blessing. You will feel the shaking but fear not for this is a project fully under My control. I will change things even in the financial area of your need. Money moves by the Spirit. Money is not evil. People say money is the root of all evil. Money is not the root of all evil. Money moves by the Spirit and it’s not about being a repository of bounty for merely personal needs. No, it’s about becoming a conduit through which money can flow. This understanding is how you connect with the transfer of the wealth set aside for My sons and daughters in the earth. This day I begin to teach you some things about handling money differently than the way you’ve been handling it. Your finances will become seed and your faith will become the currency of the kingdom well spent for your benefit and the benefit of others.
This is a time to liquidate your surplus. You don’t think you have any surplus but I am going to show you a surplus that I want you to liquidate and give to others in need. There are things in your life that you can live without. You don’t use them, you don’t need them, and they are in your way. I am going to show you who, what, where and when to liquidate that excess because it’s cluttering up the conduit through which your blessing will come – if you obey. This is not metaphor; this is money coming your way. There are things that you have been believing for and now is the time to get fresh seed into the ground that it might be the abundant harvest then – just when you need it. Act now. This is not something in the past or in the far-off future – you are in the threshold of this right now to receive the bounty and dispense it in the direction that I have already instructed you. Start now. Let it be by faith. Refuse to have a Thomas mentality but as you start out with what little you have I will breathe on it and bring abundant increase says the Father.

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