The Father Says Today: December 31st, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today that you are not a singular pillar in My kingdom but you have connection and belonging in a greater building of My construction. You are a lively stone mortared in with other lively stones to give testimony of spiritual community and life and family to an unbelieving world. I have given you a heart of compassion that cries not for vengeance but for mercy in a time of judgment. Because your heart is a heart of mercy I will not allow your words to fall to the ground. Your assignment is to establish a THRONE time in your day to come aside with Me and listen to Me and petition My courts for the outpouring of mercy I am bringing upon an undeserving people. Intercede says the Father and cry out. Ask, knock and believe fully for the loving-kindness of My throne to be made manifest even to the people and the nations that have forgotten Me and look to vain strengths as their security.
In your own life determine to take the words of heaven and transfer them to the earth and they will come to pass. Let your prayers be heard in the secret closet and you will become known as one who hears with accuracy and clarity. You will even be sought out to ask “what are you hearing …” The assignment is shifting says the Father and there will be the uncomfortable parts of it but stay faithful. Maintain a posture of humility and refuse to be distracted by the things, circumstances or people who will be manipulated by the enemy to get you out of the secret place where you will daily do business with Me.

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