The Father Says Today: December 30th, 2016

The Father says today, that a fresh wind is blowing. You aren’t going to feel qualified to participate in what I am doing, but know this – the fact that I chose you establishes your bona fides in My kingdom. I am the God that never planted anything in a row, and I don’t use those who qualify themselves, neither do I use those that others qualify. It is My delight to pit you against the impossibilities of life, and give you success as testimony to My glory. I’m going to use you like a billboard, says the Father.  You are going to be a poster child for the incongruous way in which I do things that nobody expects that I will do.  Be willing for the magnitude of My promise and My word to try you. My word tried Joseph. He was in prison and I promised him a palace. He had to make up his mind what he was going to believe. Are you going to believe circumstances or what I have said over you?
Get out your prophetic words and those promises I made to you and do war with them. Do not allow your circumstance to war against My promise – rather take My promise and war against the circumstance.  You will have battles. Not because the enemy is advancing into your territory, but because I am advancing you into HIS territory. Stop complaining about the battle. That is where I am teaching you how to conquer your enemy. There will be times that your spirit will soar but your mind will say “I don’t even know if I know what salvation is”. This is the refining I am doing in your life. Accept it. Go with it. You will be glad when you see where the pressure is taking you. Press into the pressure and you will – you WILL break out into the kingdom.

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