The Father Says Today: December 30th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today your days of being a spiritual vagabond are at an end. As Abraham searched for a city of My building and construction so I will bring you into your own place. The ministry placement and purpose you seek will be made a reality. You are not a spectator but a participator in My purposes says the Father and the time is now for My favor and blessing to settle and strengthen and cause you to put roots of permanence down that you will never again be uprooted or displaced. This is a season of placement and permanence for you My beloved. I will bring you into your own land and cause you to find your place in your own tribe. The days of isolation and exclusion are no more. Allow the wounds of rejection to heal and move once again into My courts.
It may be true says the Father that you have been having a hard time finding where you fit. This is because I intend for you to draw spiritual DNA from more than one apostolic father and mother. I am exposing you to more than one well of anointing and ministry and not just one resource. Reject the sectarian attitude that “I am of this ministry” or “that ministry”. I am taking the best of many gleanings from different resources of maturity and experience in God to build Myself into you in a greater way than before. It is a growing up time and a time that My purposes and My character are being threshed out on the threshing floor of your own commitment to My kingdom. A sober time yes but a time of rejoicing and benefit and favor as well.

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