The Father Says Today: December 29th, 2017

The Father says today, never allow My blessing to be countermanded in your life. Are you going to believe what the circumstance says or what My word declares? Refuse to be double-minded. I have given you the capacity to be resolute in your faith. The enemy would keep you in a place of wishful speculation regarding My promises. I say to you that the work of the Cross is the result of My unbending intent to bring you to Myself, deliver you from all darkness and reproduce My nature in your life. That includes dominion, blessing and abundance. There is no defeat in heaven. This is no resignation in heaven, so do not allow yourself to be resigned to anything other than My highest and best in your life.
This is an hour to be single-minded about My promise and about My lordship in your life. Do you trust Me? Let Me take it from here. Be the one walking in obedience when all others have deviated from My command. Be that one person in the midst of the situation that stands firm with an unbending intent that I will get what I paid for on the cross in your life. It is that unbending intent that will cause others to decide you are lost without remedy, but it is also that unbending intent that will secure for you the very thing that others would never conceive of you being blessed with. I say again My beloved, adopt an unbending fixity of purpose to follow Me and trust Me and obey Me above all else in this season you are walking through.

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