The Father Says Today: December 28th, 2016

The Father says today, I am giving you favor with those you need to have favor with. Even those that are hard taskmasters and difficult with everyone they deal with – will have favor toward you that even they cannot explain. This is the hour of the open door. This is the time that I put more opportunity before you than you can measure. Not only one door will open, but many, and I will delight to watch you as a Father delights in a son to see what your decision will be. I am dealing with you as a beloved son and not only as a servant. You have been willing to serve, and in serving Me and laying your life down, I will fulfill your sonship in My house. When I say that I am the God of more than enough, then expect the blessing that you cannot contain. Be prepared to extend, enlarge and increase the boundaries of your habitation and still not be able to contain everything I have released to you and blessed you with. 
I will cause you to have knowledge of things that didn’t come from a natural source.  You are going to know things in your “knower” and must learn to trust My voice inwardly when I speak.  I will reveal those things that are hidden and they will be made manifest. I will teach, train and instruct you, so pay attention and realize this is the working of the gift of the word of knowledge. Continue as well, to pray always in the Spirit with all prayer and supplication. Push back against prayerlessness and listlessness of Spirit. Be enterprising in the things of the kingdom. Be active – more active in the things of the kingdom than you are the things of this world. Walk in My truth and choose the path of humility – for in the path of humility the enemy cannot find you or lay hold on you in any way.

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