The Father Says Today: December 28th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today your kindness and gentleness is bringing a rebounding blessing into your life this day. The kindness you have shown others is going to be returned to you. You have blessed others according to your ability and the Father is going to recompense you according to your ability. Well done says the Father. I say unto you well done for you chose not to recompense evil for evil. You refused to become petty or argumentative when others cut you with their words. You determined not to be distracted when the enemy tried to get your eyes off the harvest. Keep it up says the Father for they are not done. Pay no attention to the backchannel communication that you are picking up on. Though men denigrate and marginalize you I am blessing and promoting you. What I have blessed and who I have blessed will be blessed no matter what man thinks or does.
This is a point of growth time and your obediences have not been overlooked says the Father. You have blessed others by what you DID and by what you DIDN’T DO. You are not one to lash out although that doesn’t mean you haven’t felt the pain of rejection, neglect and oversight that really wasn’t called for. I gave others opportunity to step up and strengthen and comfort you and frankly they chose not to listen. You could have gotten angry and judgmental but you did not. You have a baseline humility that admits that you perfect but I am not expecting perfection – I am simply looking for loving compliance to My purposes in your life. So keep obeying. Keep loving. Keep on seeking My kingdom. Refuse to be distracted and great will be your reward both on the earth and in the hereafter says the Father.

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