The Father Says Today: December 27th, 2017

The Father says today, have a take-no-prisoners determination. The good fight of faith is only good because you win. The end of the good fight of faith is with your foot in the enemy’s neck taking the spoil from his teeth and rejoicing in the testimony. You are a champion. You may not feel that way or look that way in the mirror, but know because I am in you – the GREATER ONE is within you, that makes you more than a conqueror!
This is a make or break year. Never back down. The only surrender necessary is a surrender to My perfected will in your life. This is the year your dreams take root or die in the ground. What are you saving it for? A rainy day? Look outside. The rain of My kingdom and of My Spirit is falling. This is your time. It’s all or nothing. This is your now time.

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