The Father Says Today: December 27th, 2016

The Father says today, that this is the day of your visitation. I have been visiting your life, and I have been doing some things to confound those round about you. They think they have you all figured out, and they think they have Me all figured out regarding what I will and won’t do in your life. They’ve got Me all wrong, says the Father. They struggle to see you through the lens that I looked through when I sent My Son to die for you. There have been times that you also have not looked at yourself, and who I made you to be, through the lens of Calvary’s cross. In you, I have invested the reality of who I am, and what I did 2000 years ago. I am determined in My purposes that I will get what I paid for in the gift of My Son in your life. I am determined that YOU will get what I paid for in the price of Calvary. Toward that end, I will shake and I will arrange and move things in your circumstances until all that you know, and all that you experience, will come into conformity with the purchased price of heaven in your behalf. 
So, do not allow the enemy to seduce you with the visible, for your life is guided by the invisible – even My hand and My eternal power and Godhead. I am coming into and I am bringing an atmosphere of change to produce blessing and benefit for you. Do not be distracted by the natural perspective. This isn’t going to be a negative, it is going to be a positive. Trust Me. Trust in what I am doing. Make it your determination not to get in the way, but rather to say in your heart EVEN SO COME LORD JESUS!  Know this – the angels are surrounding you.  They are warring in your behalf.  They are moving in your life and even in the lives of those around you.  This is a manifestation of My hand.  Surely, the enemy may come in and intend to make things difficult for you, but the angels assigned to you will expose those things that are done in darkness, to bring to light those agendas that have been self-seeking. I will cause My will and My wisdom to be made manifest. You will know ahead of time the end from the beginning and find that your rejoicing now by faith, will be justified then by sight, for you will not falter and I will not fail!

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