The Father Says Today: December 26th, 2017

The Father says today, step into My intentionality. I am an intentional God. Every process of creation is under My direct and immediate stewardship each and every moment. There is nothing random about who I am or what I do. Make a choice to be intentional as I am intentional. I give each and every breath you breathe along with every creature on the planet as an active choice moment by moment. My attention span is not limited by the billions of acts of creation that I hold in My regard. For this reason, I am as near as the breath of your nostrils for each one is a gift offered when you breath in and given back to Me when you breath out. The enemy wants you to fret over what happened yesterday and worry about what is coming tomorrow and that is so absolutely unnecessary.
I am the God of your tomorrows and there is nothing of your past that has the power to define what your tomorrows look like. Your past has no power to breach My intentionality where your future is concerned. Rejoice then and be glad. Aren’t you pleased that what others think of you does not determine what I think or what I have planned? I am not adjusting My eternal purposes where you are concerned by the good or bad opinion of men. In that light then, make it your choice today to waste no more of the precious strength I have given you thinking about or wondering what others are thinking or saying about you. Let that go. Forgive them and look up. Relinquish every false anchor in your life to that man pleasing spirit for what I have in mind for you will never be checked or impeded by the small-minded ideas of men who refuse to take into account the lovingkindness that I shower you with each and every day.

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