The Father Says Today: December 25th, 2017

The Father says today, quiet your thoughts. The thoughts of the natural mind will always track toward penury and disappointment. Relinquish the natural way of thinking and adopt My mind – the Christ mentality this day, and you will come to a place of rest deeper than you have ever known. The pharaohs in this life and the spirit of the world will always expect you to make bricks without straw, to labor all your life with nothing to show for it. That is not My plan for you. The silver is mine and the gold is mine. The trees of the field from which the currencies of the earth are printed belong to Me and it is My good pleasure to remunerate and stipend your life. No more waiting on some ephemeral false hope to make your ship come in. Act now in wealth consciousness, for the wealth of this world is laid up for all those who connect with and partner with the reality of My lordship, even over these mundane things.
Keep sowing, says God. Wait patiently for the fruit of your faithfulness. The seed of your faith-believing will come out of the verdant soil you have planted in. Don’t dig it up to check on it. Just rest. Rest in faith and rest in the credulity of My promise. The harvest is great. The storehouse will be full. Your winepresses will overrun. The souls are coming in abundance and I would that you serve Me without the distraction of lack or not having enough. Reject the poverty mentality. Poverty has become a religious idol – tear it down. I place no premium on not having enough. I am the God who is more than enough and more than enough is what I have for you. Believe it! Accept it as your portion this day, says God!

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