The Father says today, when you sow out of your resources I will increase the fruit of your labors. Are you ready for money to move by the Spirit? Are you ready to lay hold on the treasuries of unrighteous mammon and cast them at My feet as the bounty of your beneficence toward My kingdom? You must be rich in the kingdom. In the wealth of the kingdom you will no longer be conflicted about being a conduit of blessing out to others and out to ministry purposes. You cannot serve Me and mammon, but I will cause you to plunder the economy of man that you might know the economy of My kingdom.
I am teaching you, says the Father. I am instructing you. Relinquish the understandings and doctrines of limitation. Man scoffs but faith acts. Act in faith this day. Feed the poor. House the homeless. Care for the widow. Visit the prisoner. Cast your bounty at the feet of the apostles. Activate the economy of My kingdom over your life. Tear down the altar of the idol that impedes the nature I have imparted to you – even the nature of a giving heart. Act now. Make Me a little cake first. What you make happen for others I will make happen for you. As much as you have done it to the least of these, you have indeed done it unto Me. It is your time. This is the hour. No more delay and no more denial. The bounty of heaven is this day showering upon your life, says God.
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Nicola Williams says:
Theresa Van Luik says:
Here I am Lord! I am ready for Your will for my life! I will serve You until my last breath on earth.
Robearh says: