The Father Says Today: December 23rd, 2017

The Father says today, the wealth of the wicked is laid up for you. It is laying there, waiting. Just pick it up. Act now by faith to take that substance to your heart. It is in your wallet and in your bank accounts. It is your faith that retrieves it. This is banking in the glory and I am your investment Counselor, says God! Others will say “it isn’t justifiable for you to believe this…” Why would you listen to the voice of unbelief? The resources of the ungodly are laid up for the just – even those that I have justified, not by religious works or moral excellence but by the blood that was shed on Calvary. Have you given up trying to be good enough yet? Yes – repentance is the pre-requisite, but what motivates the repentance that brings the blessing? The repentance motivated by My goodness is what I am looking for. My goodness leads to the repentance that produces the blessing, says the Father!
Make no mistake, says God – I have expectations on your life. There are things in your character and your disposition that have no place in the heart of a child of God. I will never relinquish the demand that you offer up and relinquish all those treasured indecencies that do not serve My purpose, and you KNOW what that addresses! But realize this – My heart is to inundate you in joyful holiness that brings you to a rejoicing and exuberance that will cause you to love and serve in My kingdom FOREVER. Fully supplied. Completely provisioned. Totally abounding with no lack. You will inherit and you will receive, laden down with benefit, the wealth of Egypt and come out to manna on the ground every morning and water from the rock with your head held high rejoicing because of whose you are and what I have promised you even THIS DAY!

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