The Father Says Today: December 22nd, 2017

The Father says today, abundance is the base state I have chosen for you and in fact for every one of My children. I am not a less-than God. I am a more than enough God. There is no lack or poverty in heaven. I intend there to be no lack or poverty in your life. If you cannot describe your life’s circumstances as “more than enough” then partner with Me even this day and we will change all that. Abraham knew what it was to have more than enough. He was known even by his enemies as the FRIEND of God. That word beloved, means something contractual. Renew the pact of association with Me today. What does that look like? When you take care of My business I will take care of YOUR business! Even when I ask for your Isaacs, be willing to maintain fidelity that is implied and in fact required. In so doing the limitations are removed and you step into that rarified atmosphere of experience where ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.
Adopt My nature and My character as your role model today. Do it now without delay. In every situation when others ask, “what are we going to do”, let your answer be, “we are going to do what God would do if He were in our situation…” In reality, I am in every situation you face. I am in you. You are in Me. The circumstance that you face, the problem in front of you is as much MY problem as it is yours. When is the last time you confronted the challenge before you, threw back your head in laughter and said “Father? You’ve got a problem!!!” That is the laugh of faith. That is your response today even in what you are facing because it has finally set in just how willing I am to move in your life and bring you to the affluence, benefit and blessing that is your portion in My kingdom.

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