The Father Says Today: December 22nd, 2016

The Father says today that I am moving you from authority to authorization. The requisition orders of heaven have been signed, and the way has been made for you to step up into the higher place of destiny. I have a plan and a purpose that will not be denied. I will not be denied therefore you will not be denied. The enemy cannot exclude you. Though accusation and allegations be cast against you, I am the one great advocate who washes and cleanses you from every stain. Nothing shall separate you from My love. Not life, or death or things present or things past. It is all taken care of and paid for in the sacrifice of Calvary.
When I ascended from the grave and led captivity captive, there was a scepter given to Me of My father. The keys of death, hell and the grave were secure in My hand. That which was afforded to Me I gave freely to the apostles and bade them go into all the world. That authorization is still in the earth. Accept it. I have never taken those words back, nor rescinded the authorization of heaven that backed Me when I said it. Receive today the keys of death, hell and the grave. As I set the captive free, make it your determination to go out in your day and set the captive free, open the graves and depopulate hell, that heaven might receive the newly forgiven. Don’t wait for permission from men. I have called you. I have authorized you, and now all power is manifesting in you and around you to make a difference!

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