The Father Says Today: December 22nd, 2015

dpw-150The Father says that this is a time of shift in your life. Your energies are being re-directed from the lesser purposes of man to the greater purposes of My kingdom. You have cried out to Me for placement and I am positioning you now. Pack your bags says the Father for the baggage that has been hindering you is now becoming luggage to launch you into a new land and a new purpose in Christ. You do not belong in the hen yard of religion. Your wings are wings of the eagle that I am lifting you up now into a broader perspective that you might truly see what is taking place around you. The enemy at times has slowed you to a snail’s pace but I am accelerating you and promoting you and lifting you up to higher things.
This is a serious time says the Father yet a time of great joy and deeper perspective. I am revealing to you now how to side step the things that the enemy is planning to run you down with. He is going to try to side line you but I am going to launch you beyond his reach and he will come up with nothing but empty air. The snare of the enemy will fail says the Father as you recognize the pitfalls I am opening your eyes to in this hour. Do not be afraid to look openly and transparently at the things and situations around you. Discernment, however powerful that I give you is useless when your eyes are squeezed tight refusing to see. Say to your eyes “see” and to your ears “hear”. As you act, move and decide in partnership with My heart for you over the next few months the devices of the enemy will fail and you will step into a new arena of success.

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