The Father Says Today: December 21st, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today that kingdom portion and ministry assignment are converging in your life. Mercy and truth are rejoicing together. The pillars of My wisdom and My grace are undergirding you and bringing elevation and promotion – unexpected promotion to your life and situation. No more looking back says the Father for your past is no reflection or indication of what your future will look like. Adopt this day – I call upon you to adopt this day a forward-looking perspective and a proactive approach to activating and walking in your gift. Exercise your gift even among those who don’t acknowledge it. When you move in the giftings of My Spirit accorded to you then I am made manifest to all who are around you.
So exercise your gift even among those who don’t consider themselves believers that you encounter in the public square. The accommodation your gift will create in 2016 a place for you as a principality and a power even in the region and community where you live. Think beloved in terms of enlargement – even exponential enlargement in your life in 2016. There are things being added to your life in terms of blessing and benefit because you have resolved to be a kingdom seeker and a Father pleasure. Blessing will come and yes – as the scripture says “with persecution” but you hold fast in fidelity to the gift of God that I have imparted and placed in your life for that is your assignment and that place of faithfulness is where the airdrop of answered prayer is going to be targeted to in your life.

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