The Father says today I am the anchor of hope, and I am dropping the anchor of solidity and stability into your life. I am moving to still the restlessness and give you a walk with Me that you have never known. As you seek Me, I will meet you and make Myself known to you. I will take of My own and show it unto you and all the tentacles of darkness and regret from days past will be expunged and removed from your life. I will bring wholeness, says the Father. The day will come for a general warranty deed stamped “paid” for a family home. The day will come where there will be good jobs and well-mannered and settled children.
Yes the journey will be long and at times challenging but know that this is the template that I am working from to liberate you and to heal your heart from things of the past and hurts and wounds from your youth. You have a calling upon your life and I purpose to make you a joy – a detonation of joy and rejoicing in your home. This is the plan that I am bringing forth says the Father and your eyes will see it and it will be marvelous to behold in due season says the Father.
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Tommy Daigle Sr. says:
Thank you Jesus I recieve
Regina McCarty says:
Amen. I receive that in Jesus name. Thank you for sharing. God bless!!!
Estelle says:
Thank you Lord I receive it with my arms open!
Sis Naomi says:
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah…thank you Jesus, what an awesome word from our Father. I truly believe with whole heartly that He was speaking to me…I receive it in the Mighty Name of Jesus of Nazareth….Shouting once again Hallelujah with my hands lifted up….My heart is ready to receive a blessing from You.
Suzy Kirkpatrick says:
Amen I receive your word
Cydney Varela says:
Thank you Father, I recieve this in Jesus mighty name, amen
Christine says:
Received in Jesus Name!!!
Moira Shole says:
I receive my paid up family home in Jesus name-
Renita Montgomery Smith says:
My prayers answered
Christine Amram says:
Amen! I receive it in Jesus name!
Pamela Brunson Sieber says:
I receive it! Amen!!
Beatrice Lecheko says:
ThankYou Father.
Piper Henry says:
Hallelujah.. Yes Lord I receive your word in the fullness that it comes.. this is for me.. to walk with you in your presence.. to have a home of my own.. Yes and Amen in Jesus holy name
Esther Rodolphe says:
I believe it and RECEIVE IT in JESUS name!!!
Farmer Robert says:
Kay Newman says:
I pray for this word to manifest itself today in my family JESUS Name. Amen….my hope is in the JESUS. ..
Christy Ligon says:
Thank you, JESUS
Rosalie Cooper Rosario says:
I receive it!
Donna Stabler says:
Look look what God told me today!! Prayers getting answered. Hope!! Wait some more for in due time to happen so I can see it!!
John Kury says:
I receive this word, from the Lord.
Tracy Elzeiny says:
I receive this world on my life Lord in Jesus name. Thank you Lord amen ❤️
Solly Mayala Gumede says:
Amen very powerful indeed
Pierre Williston says:
Amen really fit for me
Emmanuel Emmanuel says:
Nthabiseng Gololo says:
I fully receive in my Father’s Name Jesus Christ, Amen and Amen
Marilyn Glaspie says:
Amen and Amen!!
Steven Trinh says:
I receive it.. Amen!!
Subramanian says:
Iam excited to receive these words of our lord.I was struggling for last 40 years.I was playing for breakthrough in businesses and ministry