The Father Says Today: December 1st, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today I am the anchor of hope, and I am dropping the anchor of solidity and stability into your life. I am moving to still the restlessness and give you a walk with Me that you have never known. As you seek Me, I will meet you and make Myself known to you. I will take of My own and show it unto you and all the tentacles of darkness and regret from days past will be expunged and removed from your life. I will bring wholeness, says the Father. The day will come for a general warranty deed stamped “paid” for a family home. The day will come where there will be good jobs and well-mannered and settled children.
Yes the journey will be long and at times challenging but know that this is the template that I am working from to liberate you and to heal your heart from things of the past and hurts and wounds from your youth. You have a calling upon your life and I purpose to make you a joy – a detonation of joy and rejoicing in your home. This is the plan that I am bringing forth says the Father and your eyes will see it and it will be marvelous to behold in due season says the Father.

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