The Father Says Today: December 19th, 2017

The Father says today, get wrapped up in the faith facts of what I have done for you. I AM, therefore YOU ARE. You are the blessed of heaven. You are supplied by My hand. I am your defense in every challenge. You are where your attention takes you. If you dwell ON failure and negative outcomes, you will dwell IN failure and negative outcomes. There is nothing of My purposes or My heart for you that is worked out in failure or the negative. The probability amplitude of heaven come to earth in your life does not require the polar opposites of the domain of darkness to do their work in your life. Trust! Be willing to risk!
When you set My faith facts – the truth of who I AM and what I am doing in your life as your default perspective, you will embrace risk and risk taking in My kingdom with joyful abandon, knowing that I am with you all the way. Embrace the pressure. Endure the hardship! Allow My kingdom to break into your thoughts and expectations so you might break OUT into all that I have for you. You need not wait. All of heaven waits with bated breath to pour out on the life of a faith walking man and a faith walking woman. This is who you are. This is what I am doing. Get ready and know that the best is about to break over your life in a tsunami of blessing!

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