The Father Says Today: December 19th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today you get to have it all. When you seek first My kingdom all things will be added. All means all. There is nothing left out. Trust Me with your wants. Come to Me with your needs. Know that I have encoded your heart with the desire for what I fully intend to give you. Yes the enemy will try to occlude and cloud My promise but do not give heed to his misdirection – keep your confidence and trust in Me as I work all to the glory of My kingdom in your life. Do not yield to the perspective of complexity and difficulty that the circumstance may imply. Do not put your faith on HOW I am going to do the things I am going to do. Put your faith on the outcome for you cannot imagine in your wildest speculation just how I am going to do what I will inexorably do in your life.
Simply approach your life with an attitude of “I get to have in my life what Jesus paid for on the cross”. Expect and demand the difference the cross makes in your life at every level and you will see a stark contrast between your experience and that of those around you. Others may falter and fail but this is not your portion. Others may settle for second or third best but I say to you climb the highest mountain and go first class all the way. There is nothing obscene about believing for “highest” and “best”. I am the God who sits on a throne of emerald on streets of gold and gates of pearl. What poverty or impoverished situation would glorify Me in that case? Look up beloved and expect. Look up and thank Me in advance. Resolve to the depths of your being that you will with all your might seek My mind, My word and My purposes and you will not be turned back, denied or disappointed.

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