The Father Says Today: December 17th, 2017

The Father says today, rejoice at the success of others. The breakthrough you are advocating for others establishes the dimensions of the advancement you will experience. Everything I do in your life comes through faith – and faith only works and becomes active in love. Love your neighbor. Love your brother. Love your enemy. Why? Because love is who I am. Love is what I do. Everything I do in your life or in the lives of others comes through love. When you do not see My promise becoming active in your situation – check up on your love life.
When I look at you, I see the lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world. I never look past the blood of the lamb on the doorpost of your heart. You will experience that reality to the degree that you choose to look at others in the same way. The dividends of heaven are made available through faith but they are manifest because of love. Exalt then when others are blessed. Rejoice, even when those with whom you have no favor are advanced. Your expectancy in behalf of others, even those who are your detractors, will establish what happens next in your life. Let love then have its’ perfect work, that you might experience all that is waiting for you on the other side of the love decision.

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  • Anastasia Robinson says:

    Dearest Father without your love for us through what you have already done for us, we wouldn’t know how to love. Your love gives me what I need to make my life what it is. Filled with love! The love of Jesus and Abba. Thank you Lord.