The Father Says Today: December 16th, 2017

The Father says today, be of good courage. The breakthrough you are waiting for is the end result of the assignment I have opened the door to in your behalf, even now. When the pressure is intense and you want to turn back, remember this: on the other side of obedience there is always reward. Step into the calling I have summoned you to and experience My choosing. When faithfulness and fidelity are your first and last action in My kingdom, you will then penetrate the chaos and resistance against you and breakout into a place where all you say and do is as effective as if I said it or did it. That is the outworking, the practical reality of what it means to walk in the righteousness, the entitlement that is the base state of every child of My kingdom.
I have heard you in a time appointed. You are not being ignored. You do not have to overcome My reluctance to move in your life, because I have none. Your prayers are heard on high and the answer is on its way to you. War in your prayers and militate in your petitions. The angels are assigned and the task is in fulfillment. Cooperate with the pull of My Spirit and be willing to go where fear held you back in times past. I will be with you every step of the way. This is what walking in My kingdom is all about. This is the turbulence associated with coming out of the way things have been and into the place of entitlement, privilege and favor that is your portion in Me, oh My beloved.

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