The Father Says Today: December 16th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today I have ordained you to be a confronter. Say this to yourself – “confrontation is not harmful, confrontation is beneficial”. I went into hell and the grave and through confrontation came back with the keys that won your liberty from the bondage of sin. Through confrontation I silenced Pilate at the judgment porch. Through confrontation I muzzled the demon that spoke through Peter when he forbade the suffering of the cross. I have placed the sword of My Spirit in your mouth and it is a weapon of confrontation to silence all flesh before My throne in your life.
The Father says if you want to make progress you must be prepared for confrontation. You are going to have to confront yourself and you are going to have to confront the demonic that will rise up in those who don’t think the way I am causing you to think. As you step into the path that I have ordained for you there will be distractions from the sidelines. If you listen to those on the sidelines you will be sidelined yourself. Learn to turn a deaf ear to the illegitimate authorities speaking from the periphery of My glory. Are you listening? If you aren’t listening to My sound in this hour your faith will become inert and miracles with your name on them will be given to another. As you listen and move forward as a confronter and a warrior you will activate My kingdom in your life and bring the change you have cried out for.

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