The Father Says Today: December 15th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today, forget not the sacrifice that was made in your behalf. Do not forget that saving grace is only found in the labors of the cross, and not the labors of man. Do you remember the first time I touched your life? You experienced amazing grace in that moment, and I brought you out of many waters. It was My amazing grace and not any other resource. Stop striving beloved. I am always first. I drew you. It wasn’t your idea. No man comes to the Father except the Spirit draw him. I drew you. I am drawing you, and I am keeping you. I am keeping you, and I am drawing you deeper. It isn’t up to you, it is up to Me. I am the one in charge. I take responsibility for you this day. I will bring you beyond the vail.
Come, says the Father. Come beyond the vail. Step beyond the vail and into eternity. Step into the place I have prepared for you. This is your hour. This is your time. Empty your hands and open your heart. This is the time. Now is the time. The past is gone. The present is in My hand. Cast yourself – abandon yourself to what I have for you this day. Take the step of faith that brings you beyond pain and sorrow and rejection of men. Be who I called you to be. Be what I called you to be. I know your name. I know your name – even your secret name that no man knows. It is by that name I call you now, to come beyond the vail, and into that place I have prepared for you.

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