The Father Says Today: December 14th, 2017

The Father says today, make a demand upon My resources. The resources of heaven are at the disposal of your faith filled prayer. Let your mouth pray. I created the earth with words of command and authority. Open your mouth and verbalize the depth of your need and the cry of your heart. I am more interested in transparency and honesty than I am in a well-crafted, theologically sound petition. There are supplications that your religious training would suggest I would turn a deaf ear to, that My heart in reality, longs to hear come out of your mouth because they reflect the authentic, earnest cry of your heart. Again, I say My cherished one – let your mouth pray. Seek out and implement every form of petition, supplication, intercession and entreaty that delights My heart and you will see of the travail of your soul and be satisfied. Prayers that are not verbalized beloved are not prayers at all, just wishful thinking. The deliberation and care essential to petition My courts activates in you the faith that moves mountains, even the measure of faith I have imparted to you.
Be encouraged beloved. I am aware of your limitations. Simply because you feel spent and exhausted from the challenges assailing you does not mean you are left to your own devices. I am not asking you to be powerful. I am not asking you to be mighty or invincible in your own strength. Your prayers are powerful, not because you speak them but because I hear them. I search throughout the earth and My ear is bent low in readiness to answer the call of one who has fearless faith, even the faith that I gave you as your portion when you came into the world. You have permission beloved, to have faith in your faith because it originated as a gift from My hand and not anything you conjured up in yourself. Trust Me. Believe Me. Look to My word, for in My word is the promise of AS IN HEAVEN so ON EARTH – even your earth, your life and your circumstance as you devote yourself to the altar of petition where I await the occasion of your plea to move mightily in your life, even THIS day.

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