The Father Says Today: December 14th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today, come up higher. Come, says the Father. Come with your offerings and your oblations. Come with the sin offering of Myself, for there is cleansing in no other. Leave all the “Cain” offerings behind and let your gift be the return of the shed blood of Calvary, for full and complete expiation of every transgression. Now you are clean. Now you are made whole. Now the new eclipses the old. The perverse is swallowed up of the newness I have brought forth in you. You are clean. My light is shining to you now. My light is shining even to the darkest, deepest recesses of your past. All is wiped clean. I pronounce you clean. You may enter. Now you may enter. Now you may come forward and lay your whole burnt offering on the altar. Now I will receive the sweet smelling savor of your life, wholly consumed in the fires of My altars.
This is the time of your jubilee. Now is the time of going forth. All debts are forgiven. All obligations are released. You do not owe anything, says the Father, except to love. What will you repay Me, says the Father? What will you repay Me – for I own it all. The earth is Mine and the people are Mine. You are Mine. Your love is the only currency that I accept. Your love is the coin of the realm in My kingdom. Receive My love and return it to Me this day. Return your love to Me in the heavens and return it in the earth. On the coin of My love is inscribed “Amazing Grace” and “Freely Forgiven”. It applies to you. It is your portion because of the shed blood of Calvary. Calvary bore away the pain, the sorrow and suffering. Reject sorrow. Reject rejection. Say unto rejection “I am forgiven! I am accepted!”. You are fully and freely accepted, says the Father – and in that acceptance comes through you and in you, all that I require.

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