The Father Says Today: December 13th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today, do you want to go to the mountain of the Lord? Are you willing to relinquish the refreshment of earthly things and come into the parched place, the sunlit place – the Zion of God? There are no angels that attend the wells of man’s wisdom. There is no cloud by day or fire by night attending the wells of man – but on My holy mountain, My glory overshadows all. Come into My mountain beloved. There on My mountain is peace, joy and fullness of bread – in My mountain. No fear monger will dwell there. No hate monger will dwell there. There in My mountain you will touch My face. There in that place all those that thirst for living waters will taste and thirst no more. Come into My mountain beloved. Forsake the plains of Sodom and sameness. Forsake the plains of man’s conveniences and comforts, and come to the cleft of the rock where I will overshadow you.
Touch My face beloved. Touch My hands. Touch My feet. See the wounds wherein I was wounded for all your transgressions and smitten for all your iniquities. Wash My feet with the tears of your love, for there I will receive you. There you will find no recrimination or condemnation. There you will know love, and life, forevermore. There is no other overshadowing of glory to be found other than in My holy mountain. Come. I say to you, come. Come up higher. Let your feet be like hind’s feet on high places. Let your hands grasp the rocky crags and pull yourself higher and higher. Feel the attending angels surrounding you and lifting you. You will not fall. You will not fail. Come. Come forward and come upward. This is what you were born for. This is what you were created for.

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