The Father Says Today: December 12th, 2017

The Father says today, believe Me for the best. When you pray – articulate to Me BETTER and BEST in all that you are anticipating. I am not a God of small outcomes, why would you ask Me for provision to just barely get by? Beloved, coping prayers are not faith filled prayers. Faith is the substance of things HOPED FOR, and barely getting by – just barely surviving is not a legitimate hope. Ask for things that better, better and best. That is the prayer that delights My heart and the prayer I am disposed to answer.
Make a decision this day to live by the principle of “highest first”. I have given you all things richly to enjoy. There is nothing anemic about the promises of My word. The work of Calvary is in your life to do a complete, full and over-abundant deliverance, not a barely-getting-by, weak answer to a feeble prayer. So, plan, says God to go first class all the way – for I am not a second-class God in any manner. In believing for better and best you are finally opening your thinking up to what I actually have in mind for you.

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