The Father Says Today: December 12th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today, your blessing time has come. You do not have to keep repeating those same prayers any longer. Some prayers get prayed through and all that is left is anticipating the answer. I am faithful to answer, says the Father. I have heard you in a time appointed. You have asked Me and asked Me, and you do not have to keep on asking. Do you realize that there is a point that the receipt of heaven is in your hand, and all you need do is catch your breath for the answer is about to manifest? This is one of those times. The answer is not simply on the way – it is nigh, even at the doors, so rejoice!
Rejoice in My faithfulness, says the Father. Rejoice in My fullness. I am a God of full promise, and it is the fullness of My promise that is coming to pass in your life. I am Jehovah-Jireh, and I am the ram caught in the thicket. Your answers are all in Me. Every question and every need. Every cry of your heart reaches Me. I am not ignoring you or standing aloof to watch you suffering. I am in your midst. I will never leave you nor forsake you. I will never turn My favor from you. Run to Me, says the Father. No more hide and seek. Run to Me and embrace all that I have for you. Rest in My bosom, and see My faithfulness reshape and remold your life according to My purpose.

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