The Father Says Today: December 11th, 2015

dpw-150The Father Says Today you are forgiven. I choose no recollection of the disobedience and failures of your past. All of your iniquities are lost in the chasm of My love. Your sins were plunged into a fountain of cleansing when I gave My Son to die for your iniquities. Every sin, every transgression, every stain of misconduct dissipates and ceases to exist in the ocean of My love expressed in Christ. Beloved do not allow the enemy to run a game on you with shame and guilt and accusation. The accuser has spoken over you and I have spoken over you as well. Who do you think gets the last word?
Go out in your day and be the Beloved. Your primary purpose in life is to be the Beloved. To be loved with the love that sent the Son to the cross where I as a Father was pleased to bruise Him there – for you. You are the Beloved. Be loved says the Father. Move toward Me in your humanity and not away from Me. Move toward My sound that is whirling upon the breezes and making it’s way to you. No more fig leaf distractions. I choose you. I take you. I accept you. Come to Me for your cleansing and your change will be made complete.

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