The Father Says Today: December 10th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today, that I am stepping into your past to rewrite your future. I am the God of time and eternity. There is nothing too hard for Me. The person who says “you cannot change the past” hasn’t taken My sovereignty into consideration. My yoke is easy and My burden is light. It is time for you to lay down the burden – even the false burden of past mistakes and failures. They are forgiven. The price has been paid. I will cut off of you the tentacles of regret and cause you to go free as a bird from the hand of the fowler. This is your portion in Me this day and your righteousness is of Me.
Others will not let go of your past so easily. They will complain and accuse. They will taunt you with lies and with things that I have put away from My heart as far as the east is from the west. I will not take kindly to being reminded of those things I have chosen to forget. I will stop the mouths of the gainsayers. I will occupy them elsewhere. I will give them space to repent and if not, they will know the woodshed of God. I have heard the accusations and the recriminations of those who think they have a right to point the finger, and I have declared ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Your eyes will see My hand at work in this and you will tremble at My dread purpose at work to free you from every lying tongue and false accusation.

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