The Father Says Today: August 8th, 2017

The Father says today, I am the rewarder. As you diligently seek Me you will activate in your life the incentive plan of the kingdom. Allow Me in your thinking to incentivize you for the harvest. I have called you and I have anointed you. I have destined you and I have made the provision. I have spun out all your days in time and eternity to fulfill that which represents the high calling in your life. There are many callings, says the Father. Set your mind on the high calling. Set your mind on what the Christ-calling looks like in your life. When I walked the earth, it took Me to the throne by way of the cross. In your life, there is a trajectory of faithfulness that will lead you to My highest and best as you align and yield to all that I make clear to you.  So, embrace My highest, says the Father, and embrace My best purpose and plan for what tomorrow looks like.
Do not fret or be afraid that things may or may not look like what you want them to. You are called to do more than mark time till I come. My word of command over you is to occupy till I come. Occupy all the space that I have given you both inwardly and outwardly as a king and a priest before My throne. Press in, says the Father. Press in to the way, the truth and the life of who I AM in the jurisdiction over which I have given you authority. Take responsibility and refuse to make excuses. Refuse to adopt the polluted doctrine of those who form and fashion lies to hide their powerlessness in My kingdom. I am your provision. I am your deliverer. My power is in you and in that strength, you will go forth conquering and to conquer.

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