The Father Says Today: August 7th, 2017

The Father says today, make your words this day be a fountain of fresh water. Refuse to get bitter. Let all bitterness and gainsaying go. Bitterness will block every avenue of increase that I am opening for you. Bitterness makes you vulnerable. Bitterness robs you of that which it alleges I have withheld from you. I have not withheld anything from you, says the Father. I have given you all things richly to enjoy. What you haven’t experienced yet may seem delayed but know this – delay is not denial. Your birthright is secure. My promise is sure. My goodness is available. You are a favored child of a loving Father. Let go of all frustration about what isn’t happening. Stay aligned in your thinking and in your heart with what I have promised.
Do not allow any behavior or attitude to disqualify you from what I am willing to release to you. You are accepted in the beloved but know this – bitterness is rejected. If you pull the fetid robe of bitterness and self-focus around yourself you will feel as though I have rejected you. The truth is if you will cast aside the garments of self-focus and self-pity, the robe of righteousness and the signet ring of My favor will immediately be found upon your shoulders and on your right hand. Awake then to righteousness. Wake up to the fact that I deal with sin all the while I am blessing My men and My women. This is the goodness that leads to repentance. Receive of My goodness. Receive of My life and My fullness. It is yours to receive and to impart to others. Believe it and make it your default expectation as to what happens next in your life.

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