The Father Says Today: August 7th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today that I am working My perfection in you. I am both your beginning and your end. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in you bodily – connecting you to who I am and revealing to you what I am doing in your life. Receive My greatness says the Father. There is no variableness nor shadow of turning in Me. Open your heart and yield your mind to all that I am unfolding of Myself in you at this hour. My worth and My majesty are the resource of heaven filling and flooding every aspect of your life this day and every day going forward. This is what the “fullness of Him that filleth all in all” looks like beloved!
So come with a heart of abandonment to who I am and what I am doing around you today. Say yes. Say “yes and amen” to My Spirit. I am hovering over you and brooding over the waters of your soul. I am speaking “let there be…” and you will see the creation and the reconstitution of your joy and blessing. You will hold in your arms the substance of that which you are hoping for. As you bow – so shall you ascend. As you relinquish the outcome – the end I have in mind for you will be secure. This, oh My beloved is the upward path. This is the process whose outcome will deposit you in the manifest reality of being seated, affirmed and anchored at My right hand.

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  • Rosalyn Murungi says:

    Thank u Jesus for Russ and Kitty. Thank u for your loving power that dwells, like a fire that is not put out.

  • p moodley says:

    Hi precious servants of God.Look foward to the daily word.Always encouraged and blessed.I have the audacity of faith and trusting in the supernatural and miraculous God to do the impossible .Impossible to man .Science will not be Gods undertaker.Thank you my Angels.

  • Pastor Arinze Okeke says:

    Am blessed by this message. May God continue to use you for this generation

  • Amen! Very awesome DADDY GOD! Thank You! Its “YES & AMEN”! ALL THE WAY! GLORY ALLELUIA!

  • Yes and Amen, I receive this message of blessing over my life this very hour. Thank you Father for your loving kindness of mercy. My heart is open and my mind is receptive. In Jesus name the Name above ALL names, amen !

  • robearh says:

    Oh my Father, counselor, and friend , for it is with great joy, to come before you this day, knowing
    your goodness, your pleasures, of all you are doing in my behalf as your loving daughter, who loves
    you far above all in which this life has to offer for me. for I know you are who you claim to be, we are
    one in unity and in spirit. I yield myself completely into your hands, you’re my daddy, my Abba, my
    everything, so precious are you to me, I long for your presence. I seek your face, your will to be done
    in my life, for without you, I’m nothing. I need you every second of my days. Thy Kingdom Come, on
    earth as it is in heaven in my life, in my circumstances, in all aspects of your greatness, is my desire
    I love you ever so much, and I love to hear you say it to me, for I never get tired of hearing you speak
    so sweet, so lovingly to me, for it thrills my being, your words spoken are like honey , much much better
    it is life, like a refreshing breath of air replenishing my soul ascending to the depths, which penetrates
    deeply, and I love it. I repeat, I love it to the max. I yield my mind, daddy, I yield everything into your
    hands, and I say Yes, Yes, a trillion times Yes ! Father, God, you are So Good !!!! I thank you, for all
    you are doing this day forth, and in the many years to come, for this is the heritage of the saints to
    receive, and in doing so, we are blessed beyond measure, beyond our wildest dreams, hopes, desires.
    I love you this day and everyday, Thanks for sharing your heart to me, awesome Father, for you are
    so so so wonderful, good, and precious to me. Amen !

  • Amen! Praise the Lord I receive this I proclaim Liberty Jubilee restoration be unto me.the substance of what I hope for! To God be the glory!