The Father Says Today: August 6th, 2017

The Father says today, I have made you an administrator of My glory in the earth. The glory is in you, says the Father. Who I am on the inside of you must be released. Press into the place that all I have given becomes life to you and life to those around you. My glory that originates in My throne is released and manifested in fullness in you. Administrate that glory. Take full stewardship of all that I am on the inside of you. Stand up in boldness and be who I have called you to be. Take on the responsibility that everyone else has rejected. Refuse to turn a blind eye to the hurting and neglected. Take up the mantle of the first born and know that you bear responsibility that others might not recognize.
Shaking does come in the earth, says the Father. Fret not when you see things not working out for many who thought they knew what I would do next. In the midst of great shaking in the earth I am causing the administration of heaven to bring the full manifestation of My kingdom. The whole of My purpose is defined in understanding that the template of My purpose is all about “as in heaven so on earth…” Keep working and keep pressing in. Open your mouth and I will fill it. Get out of the ranks of the uninformed and those who see no mandate for them to do anything other than sit and wait for My arrival. Occupy till I come. Speak with authority and act with audacity. I will bless and I will favor and I will bring you to full and vital understanding of just how powerful a thing I am willing to do in your life.

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