The Father Says Today: August 5th, 2017

The Father says today, you are accepted in the beloved! You are not Esau, you are Jacob. You felt like you were excluded and left wanting. You are not excluded, says the Father. I have included you in all that I have planned. I have included you and it is My purposes that are unfolding around you even now. The old patterns of failure are being dismantled. The idea that others had about who you are and what your potential is no longer applies. I have appointed to you the double portion. You are a double portion believer and with that comes great responsibility and greater anointing. Step into that responsibility. Be willing to speak to the needs of others and to meet those needs out of the power of what I have brought you to even this day.
You are not the least and you will not be the last. The complete genome of My DNA is on the inside of you through the shed blood of Calvary. You are not left out. You are not excluded or rejected. You are accepted and the invitation to greater things is extended toward you daily. Others might be offended, turned off and walk away, but you realize that there is nowhere else to go, for in Me you have found the words of life. Did I not choose you? You are chosen. Many have been called but only a few wind up being chosen. Faithfulness makes the difference. Be faithful to that which I have called you to do. In your faithfulness, I will take that little that you have given to Me so wholeheartedly and increase it to fill all the earth with My testimony of greatness in your life.

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