The Father Says Today: August 5th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today that there is a secret place available to you this day. There is a secret place where I hide you under the shadow of My wings. There is a place in Me where you can abide and remain continually. The secret place is a high place beloved. It is not found in the low place with all the bottom feeders who feast themselves on the negative. There is no place for skepticism in the secret place. There is no entrance to the secret place for those who revel in sarcasm and pessimism. Let all such pollutions go for the secret place is a place of purity, simplicity and child-like trust in who I am in your life. When you are pressed, and put to flight by circumstances – find the secret place where the arrow that flies by day or the pestilence that walks by night will not find you.
I have prepared a place for you here by Me. I will be found of you and you will enter into this this place of provision and protection when you seek Me with your whole heart. Turn away from the distractions of circumstance and situation. The things that demand your attention will change and yield to My hand when you take your refuge in My pavilion under the shadow of My overspreading presence in your life. You were created to walk through life clothed in My presence. The nakedness of man is the result of being stripped of My glory. I created you to carry My glory in you and to wear My glory as a shield and an armament against all encroachment of the enemy. Come to the secret place and be enveloped and surrounded by My pinions this day.

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