The Father Says Today: August 4th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today it is time for a house cleaning. It is time to scour your life to jettison and get rid of those unproductive things that are only holding you bound. I have not called you to the mundane or common. You have a destiny that was mapped out before the foundation of the world. Life and life’s circumstances have conspired to clutter your path with every kind of distraction. It is time to take inventory of the old thought patterns and habits that no longer suit where I am taking you. Make the resolute determination to set aside the weights, and yes even the sin that would beset and hinder you. Let your eye not spare any cost in setting your heart to follow Me no matter what.
Make it your determination this day to see that I have cast up every obstacle and put you on the fast track to a full manifestation of My favor. There is no need to wait any longer. The enlargement of step you have asked for will come as you commit yourself in full stride to what I promised I would make happen for you. No more half measures. No more tentative steps. Be bold. Be obedient. Refuse to bow to unbelief or give in to fear. It is your portion to step out in your day and know what it is to see everything you say and do became as effective as if I said it or did it. The price has been paid. They way is clear. Step forward and claim the fullness of My favor in your life.

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