The Father Says Today: August 4th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-06-05 at 1.29.40 PMThe Father says today it is time to move from fellowship to relationship in My kingdom. There are depths that have not been plumbed in your spiritual experience says the Father. I am bringing this need to the forefront because you have cried out for more and longed for the glory and it is available now. I am not coming down to you – you are going to have to come up to Me and know Me in ascension glory, power and reality. No more weak teachings or diluted understandings. The needs in your life call for strong meat and deep reality and it is on hand but the next move is yours.
I’ve done what I came to do and I have sat down at the right hand forever expecting. I’m not wringing My hands wondering what to do about your situation says the Father I have acted and empowered and anointed you to act so SPEAK and in the SPEAKING see the RELEASE of My glory that brings change. Change is available says the Father. Change is possible but it requires a response and action on your part. I am with you says the Father be BOLD and of a good courage for this day your enemies will fall before your face.

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