The Father Says Today: August 31st, 2017

The Father says today, be renewed in the spirit of your mind. The old assumptions no longer fit what your tomorrows look like – they never did. Men may look at you and think they know what tomorrow holds but grace is at work that they haven’t taken into account. You may have even written off your own blessings because it just seems like your hopes and dreams are merely foolish wishes. Take another look, says the Father. Look through the lens of Calvary’s provision at all that I am bringing about in your life. Tomorrow is bright with promise. Yesterday and your past failures are now washed away fully in My clemency. This is the hour and the day I declare the declaration over you, “behold! I make all things new!!”
You are a new creation. This is not some ephemeral pipe dream. You are a new creation, a new species altogether in Me. Old things have passed away and are passing away. Yesterday can no longer hold you in chains. Tomorrow is opening up with clouds bordered with great promise. My plans for you are so beyond what you might think that if I revealed them in a moment you would think they were absolute fantasy. Get with the program, says the Father. My heart toward you is for good. Let go of the past. Settle all accounts with those who have disappointed you. Forgive, Release, Bless! Step into your now. Step into the entitlement of sons where all I have promised is at your disposal as the low hanging fruit of the tree of life that brings resurrection to all that you are and all that you ever will be.

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