The Father Says Today: August 31st, 2014

Russ-CloudThe Father says today that your relationship with Me is going off the scale. You will no longer be able to measure your spiritual experience by what others have testified to. Do not measure yourself by those worthies who have gone on before you. Their experiences are not the boundary of what I am doing in your life but rather the starting place where I am beginning and pouring out a new thing upon you. I say again that where the great ones of days past left off is now the starting place where I am beginning to bring fresh glory into your life.
The time is now says the Father. The currents of the river of My purpose are now narrowing and quickening. This is white water time in the currents of My purposes. I am going to come suddenly and talk to you. This visitation will be so swift you will be looking back on it before you know it has taken place. I will drop the download of heaven for this season that will cause you to upgrade of glory that is your portion in this hour. Brace yourself says the Father for everything begins to change and shift this day.

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