The Father Says Today: August 2nd, 2017

The Father says today, recognize the season of transition you are in. When you recognize what I am doing in the earth you will immediately transition to the next level of My purposes in your life. Receive the anointing of recognition that I have destined for you to receive in yourself and impart to others. Understand the anointing, says the Father. It is for more than goosebumps or falling on the floor, yet getting up unchanged. The anointing that I give may be internal but it always produces an external result. The anointing causes you to BE, that you might go out and DO. Your acceptance in Me is determined by who I have caused you to BE. Your effectiveness in the earth is determined by what you do. Be a doer. Refuse to be in the company of all the “do-nothing” people whose highest revelation is that there is nothing to do!
You have been blessed this day with a capacity for more. You are not destined to remain in the 30 fold realm. Step out of the 30 fold and into the 60 and 100 fold experience that I have appointed for you. Realize that 30 fold fellowship and common ground will have to be left behind when you move to the 100 fold authority and benefit. A 30 fold believer will never receive or tolerate 100 fold truth. That doesn’t make them less than. It doesn’t make you better or more spiritual. It simply means that you refuse to be so invested in the lowlands of spiritual experience that you are content to live without the fullness of all that I died to provide in your life. Press in, says the Father. Step out. Be willing to be misunderstood in your hot pursuit of all that I am bringing about this day.

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