The Father Says Today: August 2nd, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-06-05 at 1.29.40 PMThe Father says today I am your righteousness. I have made arrangements for you to stand in My presence without the sense of fear, condemnation or inferiority. You are My child. I birthed you. Your new birth is not some religious concept it is a reality. You are God-kind. You are bone of My bone and flesh of My flesh. I have brought you into the continuum of natural events for such a time as this. You were not brought into the earth to suffer or endure the subjugation of the dark one’s agenda. I am the Master therefore you are a master. I am mastering the enemy through you and in your behalf.
The rod of My authority is the rod of My mouth even My word. Store up My word in your heart and draw it forth as a weapon against every encroachment of Satan against you. The enemy cannot stand and will not stand when you resist him with the words that I have laid up in your heart. Draw your sword says the Father. Wield it with your faith in My unfailing constancy in your life. I am closing the gap between My promise and your experience. You will know in fullness the complete and utter reliability of My promises and you will impart to others the truth of My power and see many captives set free!

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