The Father Says Today: August 27th, 2013

DSC04684 copyThe Father says today that I am equipping you with revelatory insight, wisdom and knowledge. I am giving you the advantage over the enemy because these gifts can only be vainly counterfeited and not actually reproduced by him. You must begin to see the advantage says the Father I have given you over the enemy of your soul. He has been estranged from My presence for thousands of years. You are NOW and ALWAYS surrounded by My person and bathed in My presence at every moment.
I am causing you this day to see afresh and anew with My eyes the situations at hand that you might avoid the pitfalls and snares of the wicked one. I am equipping your heart with My wisdom that will baffle Satan with great bewilderment. The enemy of your soul will be unable to know what you will do next and will be unable to steal from you the promises of your tomorrows. I am releasing to you knowledge through dreams, visions and supernatural insights that will give you the true picture of those relationships that make up the columns and infrastructure of your life.
So fear not says the Father for I have given you the edge and the advantage over all the strategies of hell and you will prevail and overcome. You will walk into your blessing time with the sure and certain promise that you will come behind in no gift that the cross has paid for in your life.

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Other Comments

  • I praise our LOVIG FATHR for this word, and his faithful servants for bringing this message. I receive this prophetic word in its entirety. Satan may attempt to counterfeit some things such as the presence of the LORD. For instance, he may produce heat wave and bodily sensations in the outer man. That is why I am very happy about his message. The LORD knows what his children are going through and he is equipping us to deal with the archenemy of our soul.

  • I absolutely Love the words that God gives you.I awake and take these meaty words moment by moment with Selah moments in between. Every morning when I read them I know by whats going on in my life that these words are accurate and from the throne room of God. Thank You for blesssing me through Gods voice every morning. God Bless You Both!

  • Bridgette B.K.A. says:

    Thank you Lord, I believe and humbly receive all this prophetic word for today August 27th,
    2013 says and speaks into my spirit. I am ready Lord to receive all you have to bless me
    I love you! Amen! Amne! Amen! & Amen!