The Father says today that My kingdom is come in your life. I am pouring out My rule and the dividends of My rule in extreme measure in your life says the Father. When I give I give all. When I pour out it is to the dregs. When I purpose to move in your life in blessing it is to the fullest. Make it your purpose to refuse to sit in the seat of the scornful or to stand in the company of mockers. There are those who only see the negative and find their certitudes in the evil report. All such attitudes are only destined for the wilderness. Purpose in your heart to bleach the bones of unbelief and to rise up and shake yourself and enter into that geography of promise I have set before you.
Yes says the Father abandon the well populated plains of skepticism and unbelief and set your course for the high country of My promises. The mixed multitude of unbelievers and nay-sayers cannot go where I have purposed for you to sojourn. Gird yourself with My truth and My promises for they will surely come to pass. Those who have mocked you and scrutinized and criticized will see of the salvation I have wrought for you and know that My hand of favor has been made manifest in your behalf. I will not exclude you says the Father nor will I leave you out. Your hands will I fill with the spoils of the victor and your heart will sing the war songs of tribute and thankfulness for I will in nothing allow you to come to failure or defeat.
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Pamela says:
Awesome! Awesome! Absolutely Awesome! The Holy Spirit is certainly releasing the Glory of the King in us and in our midst. He is bright and shining Glory. Just two days ago I was sensing the Majesty of the King in all of His Splendor. It was as though I was sensing burst of Brightness and flashes of light coming from the countenance of the King. Thank you. Praise be to Jesus.
Clara Bax says:
Hi Russell and Kitty, first I would like to say hello or (Git-day mate!) from Hervey Bay, Australia. My husband and I origionally come from N.Z. So blessed, so thankful and so grateful to your e- church ministry. The Goodness of God is so overwhelming, and feel so blessed to be a blessing in praying and giving words of encouragement. I would like to ask in respect to u both what would u prefer to be addresed. Also if we have anything urgent to share which email address would be best to contact u on. Thank u with The Father’s
and Blessings
Clara and Roger Bax
faith moloi says:
Thank you Jesus for your servants,I really,really needed to hear that!!! talk about perfect timing.
valerie f gallegos says:
Wow! Thank you soooooo very much, MR. PROPHET RUSS WALDEN…… I think you are a very admired man of THE LORD ALMIGHTY GOD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST! Your words touch me to the core of my soul and spirit! YOUR AWESOME!!!!!!! I thank GOD for your daily inspiration! Its truly a blessing to be able to read your daily words. If your goal is to bring fruit to Gods kingdom, then I must say……. JOB WELL DONE SIR! GOD BLESS YOU AND KEEP YOU ALWAYS! AMEN AND AMEN. GIVE THANKS TO THE LORD FOR HE HAS DONE GREAT THINGS……sincerly valerie francisca gallegos. Lv Nv THE CITY OF GRACE!!!!!!! CIUDAD DE LA GRACIA!!!
Emma M. FOXX says:
Wow! Amen!
Bridgette says:
Thank you Lord for using you prophets to be such a blessing in my life. I Decree, Declare, Receive, and Believe in all and this AWESOME Prophetic word of God.
Amen! Amen! Amen! & Amen!
tonya says:
All praise to the Most High. He Will never leave nor forsake us.
Thank you Russ and Kitty for the Word and God bless you in your travels.
Nicky says:
awesome, amen, amen