The Father Says Today: August 25th, 2017

The Father says today, I am establishing you in My abundance. My abundance is on the inside of you – in the Glory. The glory – My glory as Christ IN YOU is what you are contending for, learning about and that which is on the increase on the inside of you. Those things that are outward are temporary and changing. If you can see it and identify it you are looking at something that is transitory. Problems may seem so permanent and such towering mountains set against you but look and see as I bring the mountain down low and move you forward where progress was impossible yesterday. The enemy has no power, says the Father. The enemy has no power because all power is Mine in heaven and in earth.
All power is Mine, says the Father – the enemy is only capable of what he can talk you into. Reject the narrative of the natural. Reject the dialogue of the enemy when he whispers your name and seeks to tear you down and wrap chains of sin and sorrow about you. I say to you, come forth. Come forth into the glorious liberty of the sons of God. My Spirit is on the inside of you and where My spirit is – there is freedom, deliverance and conscious union with Me as your Father, your Maker and the one that is putting you over in every challenge of life.

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