The Father Says Today: August 25th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today that I am your truth. Your truth is not a set of doctrines or a church dogma. When you stand before Me you aren’t going to get a Sunday school lesson. When you stand before My throne and give an account of yourself there will be no theological litmus test to determine your entrance into the gates of glory. There is one question over all to be answered in that cosmic moment – DID YOU LEARN HOW TO LOVE? Did you accord to others the same mercy and compassion I have poured out upon you? Did you let others off the hook of your expectations, even those who have harmed and maligned you? Love is who I am says the Father and I am looking both now and then to see the reflection of Myself in your life and in your character. I want to look at you and see that you have your Father’s eyes.
Love never fails says the Father – why would you EVER step out of love? When you choose not to love you place yourself by an act of your will beyond My providence. Love is the principle manifestation of My wisdom. Love establishes the path and points the way. Love is the voice speaking over your shoulder saying “this is the way – walk ye in it…” Little children I say to you walk in love and live in love. Breathe love in and breathe love out in all of your dealings. Let love be your first, only and complete response in every situation. In so doing you prove yourself to be children of your Father which is in heaven.

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