The Father Says Today: August 24th, 2017

The Father says today, I am with you and will always put you over in life as you align yourself with the values of My kingdom. When I am on your side, there is no contest. Though hell itself be ranged against you the outcome is yet assured. Let the initiatives of My kingdom influence and shape every decision you make, regardless of the pressure you are under. Even when you feel isolated and alone, know that My strong right arm is working in your defense. Though no one stands with you or believes in your dream or your vision, I will not allow you to fall when you partner with Me. We are in the majority – you and I as you step out in faith. No longer waiting for the approval of man or for others to “get” you or understand what I have and what I will put it in your heart to do.
Be willing to be sent, says the Father. Be ready to go into new assignments. I am the sender – you are the goer. The delay is over. No longer waiting and watching but going and expecting. Going and believing that I will be with you no matter what. Stop waiting for a plan. I didn’t die for a plan, I died for you. I am not in love with a plan, I am in love with you. I have not sanctioned a plan, I have sanctioned you, that you will go forth in My name. As I went with the disciples of old confirming My word with signs following, so I will be with you confirming My word with signs following. It’s a new day, says the Father, and you will be walking with Me in a new way that you have not traveled before, but I will cause every step to be a step into blessing and benefit and victory, for that is My purpose that I am working out in your life, says the Father.

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