The Father Says Today: August 24th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today My faithfulness is with you all day long this day. From the moment your eyes open in the morning till you turn to rest at night I am with you. I am enlarging Myself in your circumstance and pushing out every contrary influence to My goodness. You shall see the hand of the enemy only in its decline and retreat from your life. As I ride high above the nations of the earth so I am exalted in your life in every area of concern to you.
You are not passed over. You are not ignored. The very hairs of your head are numbered. There is not one foot fall in your walk that escapes My scrutiny. I know the way that you take and when you come out on the other side you will be as fine gold – smelted in the forge of My faithfulness. So just keep trusting. Keep moving forward. Do not allow the enemy one thread of access to your thought life or your decisions. I am raising you up out of obscurity and need and establishing you on a rock of testimony and rejoicing.

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