The Father Says Today: August 23rd, 2017

The Father says today, My hand of protection is upon you. The enemy of your soul has longed to assault you. The enemy has purposed that he would sift you as wheat. This was the enemy’s purpose, but I am your defense says the Father. I am your defense, and as you run into My name, you will find yourself surrounded by My impregnable favor. You are protected. You are under My protection, says the Father. The price that was paid on Calvary is your rescue. The price that was paid on Calvary is your provisioning. The price that was paid on Calvary is your advancement and your promotion. Fret not, therefore. Have no fear but trust and rest in that trust that I am with you, and will never leave you nor forsake you.
Set your sights upon higher things, says the Father. This is a time of sobriety but also a time of rejoicing. Know this, that the enemy would distract you with his “smoke and mirror” strategies and threatenings, but I AM the intercessor at the right hand of the Father who is ever interceding. In your path, there are many angel encounters. You will see them and you will know them. Others will say that they heard thunder, and others will say one thing or the other but as Nathan, I will cause you to see the angels of God ascending and descending upon your life as they ascended and descended upon My life when I walked in My earthly sojourn. You will be defended, protected and hastened into a place of new favor and fullness of My blessing in your life. You will say “what else could possibly go right?”

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